The Kentucky Hereford Association is dedicated to provide support and information to members of the association throughout Kentucky. Our goal is to promote improvement and advancement of our cattle and to develop a unity among the Hereford breeders. Please feel free to look through our pages and contact us if you’re interested in learning more.
Upcoming Events
December 7th, Noon
Kentucky Hereford Association Autumn Sale, Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, KY.
December 12th, 6pm
KHA Certified Hereford Influenced Sale, Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, KY.
February 28th - March 2nd, 2025
Kentucky Beef Expo, Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY
May 19th, 2025
KHA Certified Hereford Influenced Sale, Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, KY